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My Abombcraft Experience i will never forget.

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My Abombcraft Experience i will never forget. Empty My Abombcraft Experience i will never forget.

Post  Hawk Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:37 am

Well i just thought i'd share my experiences of the server on this forum....

First of all there is a spider and zombie problem.

My Abombcraft Experience i will never forget. 2012-010

This has left me scared for life, as it was rather uncomfortable for me, and im not used to being touched like that, by so many people....

Then you have an enderman problem as well as he wanted to get in on the action as well...

My Abombcraft Experience i will never forget. 2012-010

Clearly no one had told him i had already been dealt with, I did tell him but he insisted it was protocol and continued with his ... vigorous examination... i told him i wasn't carrying anything illegal.

This experience wasn't very pleasant and i would rather it didn't happen to anyone else...

So moto of this story... never turn your back on anyone. it may just cost you your arse.

Stay Safe Kids.



Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-09-30

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